Religion ~ The Ultimate Fear Propaganda
I opened the four-page leaflet and found, to my horror, such blatant lies — lies that specifically address the very theme that my work is centred in! I realised then, that this provided a tremendous opportunity to expose the lies and offer the truth. Truth affords one genuine peace of mind; whereas this propaganda only instils fear, that’s all it does!
Here is some of what was addressed in the leaflet (and I’m including the Q&As that address death here):
Q. What happens to Us When We die?
A. Why the question arises: Most of the world’s religions teach that something inside a person continues living after death. Some hold that the dead can harm the living or that God punishes the wicked by condemning them to eternal torment in a fiery hell.
What the bible teaches: At death, humans cease to exist. ‘The dead ... are conscious of nothing at all’, states Ecclesiastes 9:5. Since the dead cannot know, feel, or experience anything, they cannot harm — or help — the living. (Psalm 146:3, 4)
Q. Is There Any Hope for the Dead?
A. Why the question arises: We want to live, and we want to enjoy life with those we love. It is only natural that we yearn to see our dead loved ones again.
What the bible teaches: Most people who have died will be resurrected. Jesus promised that ‘those in the memorial tombs will ... come out’. (John 5:28, 29) In harmony with God’s original purpose, those resurrected as humans will have the opportunity to live on a paradise earth. (Luke 23:43) This promised future includes perfect health and everlasting life for obedient humans. The Bible says: ‘The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it’. (Psalm 37:29)
‘...everlasting life for obedient humans’? Obedient to what or whom? Crikey! What nonsense here and how horribly damaging these claims are! The first statement about the ‘dead being conscious of nothing’ reminded me of when I had confided in a former friend about my transcendent NDE that occurred in the mid 1970s. She was a Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) who believed the above statements ... and she accused me of having had an hallucination! Needless to say, we haven’t spoken since and I was shut down about being an NDEr for over 20 years! I cannot stress how severely dangerous such belief systems are. I’ve also had others counter my claims, even though I’m an experiencer and not merely hypothesising here; whereas they’re only going on what’s been preached to them or what they’ve read in a book!
Obviously these individuals are totally oblivious to the fact that literally millions of NDErs have come back to share their experiences of the Afterlife; and they are furthermore oblivious to quantum physics! Goodness me, the whole notion of what is stated above is totally ludicrous — not to mention, downright absurd! Where have these people been? Obviously sleep-walking, wouldn’t you say?
If your eyes were rolling whilst you read the above — especially if you’re a fellow experiencer — I’m sure that you can understand why we are needed here on this plane at such a critical time in order to help eliminate these blatant lies about our being, the nature of consciousness, the Afterlife and the immortality of the soul!
Now, I will correct the above statements to reflect something more accurate!
First statement:
At death, the human body ceases to exist, but that is all that is lost. The ‘dead’ (which is a misnomer in itself) ... are conscious of everything all round them, since they have merely moved on to other dimensions. Like changing radio stations, they’ve moved ‘up the radio band’ and are now operating at a higher frequency, that’s all, but still fully in tact and more aware. Since the ‘dead’ indeed continue to know, feel, and experience many things on a much broader spectrum of existence, they can communicate with ... and help the living. Only those who are ‘lost’ or ‘stuck’ can become a nuisance to the living at times...
Furthermore, there is no ‘punishing’ or ‘vindictive’ god that condemns one to a ‘fiery hell’. Sadly, it has been human nature to create a ‘god’ in the image and likeness of men, rather than the other way round. Only the human ego would do such things as condemn or destroy its own creation, never a God of love. Love does NOT condemn or destroy ... ever!
For the countless NDErs, including myself, who have had first-hand experience of unconditional love, such a notion of condemnation and destruction is rendered utterly impossible.
Second statement:
This promised future includes perfect health and everlasting life for all ‘obedient’ humans (i.e., those who are true-to-soul) — once fear has been completely expelled and eliminated. Love will be the prevailing force and all will share and co-create on the earth, and they will reside forever upon it in harmony.
Perhaps you can see what I’m driving at here. The whole motive behind this propaganda is to keep people locked in a stranglehold of fear — which keeps us divorced from truth and totally disempowered! But what is even more scary is that people fall for these lies without even so much as a second thought or question!
I’ve got to wonder at the thought-processes of that little lady who passed out that leaflet filled with such blatant lies — such that can only produce deep feelings of anxiety and woe! The fact is that these people do NOT think ... at all! It is as if they’re being remotely controlled by some invisible force that propels them just like robots. Alas, and it’s so sad to note that, many many human beings are so shut down as to be little more than a human robot.
It is individuals like myself and my fellow experiencers and researchers throughout the world who are diligently working to expel these lies that are extremely menacing — not to mention what effect this propaganda has on the human psyche. And my former SDA friend is a perfect example of this. She’d been a very talented artist, poet, writer, songwriter and so forth — a very creative free-thinking individual whom I had dearly admired. But what happened is that she started to be pursued by the mob (Mafia) and fear (there’s that word again!) drove her to destroy all of her creations and take refuge in ... religion! She had disappeared and the next time I saw her, she resided in an SDA ‘camp’ or compound. She was wearing long drab grey coloured skirts and looked haggard and had aged tremendously. There was no longer any light in her eyes; she was no longer animated or celebrating life as she once did. She only lived by the dictates written in books by Ellen G. White and I even remember her saying that we had to deny and not trust our feelings (!) and only go by the tenets of her religion. I told her, ‘There is no love here. No one can heal where there is no love’ and I departed, never to see her again!
We’re at a pivotal place in this world right now ... as we are being called to choose between love and fear. It’s that simple. We can no longer be in the ‘middle of the road’ (MOR) or ‘on the fence’ about anything. We’ve got to choose one or the other ... and that’s what will determine the course of this planet and all life upon it. Are we going to choose Love or are we going to choose fear?
One statement that I do resonate with in the bible (and there are precious few of them) is: God is not the author of fear. THANK YOU! If you can remember that simple little statement, then things will be pretty straight forward and easy for you. In fact, I was telling a client the other day: if anyone or thing imposes, propagates or instils fear in you, run the other way! It’s not of Truth. In fact, many years ago, I was wrestling with intense fear — even terror — but a voice intervened and said, ‘If it isn’t coming from love, it isn’t real’, and it kept repeating that statement to me until I was able to calm down. I’ve clung to that statement ever since. Even on a logical level, it makes perfect sense that any thing that comes from love is not going to generate feelings of fear and anxiety — least of all, terror.
Love is the opposite of fear ... and now we’ve even got quantum physics to prove that! It’s been pointed out numerous times that love and fear vibrate at completely different frequencies ... so you literally cannot mix them. You’re either in the frequency of love ... or fear.
I firmly believe that all of this propaganda centred on death is meant to keep us ignorant of our true identity and divine heritage as beings who are of the light and always connected with Source and with one another at all times. Why? Because when we realise our true nature, we discover that we’re tremendously powerful beings. But the fact is, when we’re locked down in ignorance and fear, we’re more easily manipulated and controlled. And this is exactly what is needed to keep us totally enslaved.
OK, well, here’s another biblical statement that can’t be stated enough: ‘Know the truth and the truth shall set you free’. The truth is, we live forever ... and ... only love prevails! Need I say more...?
Hi Juliet,
I, too, have had an encounter with Jehova Witnesses. I spent a year with a delightful couple going to their house once a week for Bible study... I wasn't interested in joining their religious sect, but I did at least want to learn their point of view regarding God and love. As you mentioned, they literally interpret reality from the words of the Bible.
Anyway, since they DO interpret reality word for word from the Bible, I wanted to discuss OUR view of reality, as you have discussed in your blog, by quoting Bible references found in Kevin Williams' book, "Nothing Better than Death" that speak the truth that we accept as fact, that physical death is not the end, etc. etc. and etc. Anyway, despite the fact that these references were coming straight from the Bible, this couple, just like your former Jehova Witness friend, would not listen to any of it... they just considered it heresy. Like you, I just had to terminate the relationship... how sad that societies around the world have to believe in a FEAR based God. No wonder religion is the cause of so much fear, hostility, war and death.
Thank you for your blog!!
My best from Texas, your friend,
. . . .is meant to keep us ignorant . . . . Why? . . . . when we’re locked down in ignorance and fear, we’re more easily manipulated and controlled. And this is exactly what is needed to keep us totally enslaved.
Oh, come on! NOBODY is keeping us ignorant--about these matters, at least--so that they can manipulate, control and enslave us!
That terminology and its mindset are just the same as found in those you claim are trying to manipulate us by fear. You do yourself and your (our) beliefs no favors using it.
I am convinced that everyone right to the top of the Jehovah's Witnesses (and every other fear-based religion) believes EXACTLY what that pamphlet states. To make your statement true, you'd have to add that someone at the top in those churches knows better, i.e. agrees with the insights gained in an NDE, but purposefully chooses to suppress the truth . . . in order to manipulate, control and enslave us. That is nonsense.
I have studied NDEs since Moody's book appeared. I am grateful for them, and for their impact on my own religious thought. I suspect that you and I would see eye-to-eye on the subject and its liberating benefits. But when you appear to adopt the language of conspiracy theorists and other wingnuts to describe the motives of non-believers, I part company.
Think it over, please.
You need to do your research instead of being so quick to refer to individuals as 'wingnuts' and go into blatant denial here, then harping 'nonsense'. You're typical of all 'naysayers' who refuse to exercise their own critical thinking and, instead, remain 'inside the box' and point a finger at those who offer a different prespective. Truth demands that we've got to get out of our 'comfort zone' of established beliefs and look objectively and face things squarely — regardless of how 'strange' or 'bizarre' it may appear. I HAVE done my research and continue to do so ... and I've not been duped by imposed belief systems ... and am grateful for the fact that I've always 'questioned all the answers'. Again, instead of calling people names — which is a sign of immaturity and uncertainty in the first place — for your own sake, do your research!
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